
The WEB-based GEne SeT AnaLysis Toolkit (WebGestalt) is a suite of tools for functional enrichment analysis in various biological contexts. WebGestalt has been visited by 50,000 unique users on average per year from 144 countries and territories according to Google Analytics. The publications have also been cited in more than 5,000 scientific articles according to Google Scholar.

Current Version: WebGestalt 2024

WebGestalt 2024

WebGestalt 2024 is an update to WebGestalt that introduces multiple improvements compared to WebGestalt 2019.

  • Increases the number of functional categories from 321,251 to 660,000, which includes metabolomics
  • Ability to add multiple lists for meta-analysis
    • Can be a mix of analyte types, or multiple lists of the same analyte type
  • New pathway maps for multi-list analysis
    • Different colors indicate the effects from the different lists
  • New user interface
    • Allows for easy entry of multiple lists, as well as naming
    • Less options necessary to start your analysis
  • Ease of use features
    • IDs are now auto-detected.
    • Databases are automatically filtered after list input to show valid options
  • Increase of performance by over 20 times
    • GSEA should now take under 15 seconds, compared to 3 minutes

Version Update


This page is important for users of WebGestalt before May 29, 2024! A data update will affect your ability to reproduce results generated before May 29, 2024.

Starting May 29, 2024, the WebGestalt 2024 update will be transferred from its previous location of to The previous version, WebGestalt 2019, will be moved to This new update brings new features, such as improved performance and the support for multi-list analysis.


WebGestalt 2024 also features an update to the gene set database in WebGestalt. This will affect the ability to reproduce results generated with WebGestalt 2019. To reproduce results made before May 29, 2024 on, please go to

R Package Users

The WebGestaltR package defaults to using the server. To prevent users being unexpectedly affected by the data update, only new versions of the R package will have access to the new data. Older versions (v0.4.X and below) will always default to using the data from WebGestalt 2019.

You can install the new R package by following the instructions found on the R package documentation site.